News | Apr 24, 2024

PN Country Visit to Albania strengthens cooperation for the country accession to the EU and Green Transition

PN Country Visit to Albania strengthens cooperation for the country accession to the EU and Green Transition

The recent visit of the Practitioners’ Network (PN) to Albania marked a pivotal moment in fostering collaboration between European development organisations, DG NEAR, the European Union Delegation (EUD) to Albania and Albanian counterparts. Over two days, nine PN Member organisations – ADA, AICS, British Council, Expertise France, FIIAPP, GIZ, MFA NL, Sida and SNV- engaged in comprehensive discussions on EU integration, environmental sustainability, and the promotion of innovation. 

Day one commenced with a meeting hosted by the EUD at the Europe House in Tirana. The session, chaired by Mr. Hubert Perr, Head of Cooperation of the EUD, highlighted the significant EU assistance to Albania. Since 2007, the EU has provided 1,4billion € to Albania, currently supports 150+ projects and is the bigger partner to Albania. Discussions centered on aligning with EU regulations and leveraging instruments like the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III and the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) to accelerate Albania's integration process. 

The following sessions delved into strategic dialogues with Albanian partners, emphasizing the importance of targeted technical cooperation in key sectors. Representatives from the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Assistance Coordination (SASPAC) and the Prime Minister's Office explained ongoing reforms and the necessity of streamlined assistance approaches. 

National authorities and financial institutions highlighted the smooth implementation of regulations, particularly in collaboration with institutions like AFD and KfW. AFD emphasised its mandate to accelerate Albania's EU integration roadmap through financing sustainable programmes and fostering political and economic relationships. Collaboration with organizations like the World Bank, EBRD, and EIB will be explored for co-financing initiatives, emphasising the importance of pooling funds and addressing challenges efficiently.  

During the keynote speech delivered by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, they highlighted their collaboration with various projects and funds, particularly their partnership with the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Albania's partnership with the GCF, boasting a portfolio of projects worth €70 million, presents a significant opportunity for accelerating the country's green transition and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The remainder of the visit focused on tangible projects driving Albania's green agenda and sustainable connectivity. Presentations highlighted initiatives such as the Energy Sector Reform Technical Assistance project, EU4Nature, and EU4Rivers, demonstrating a concerted effort to align with EU environmental standards and foster sustainable development. 

Field visits showcased successful collaborations, including ProSEED 2.0 as well as EU4Innovation projects promoting entrepreneurship and the 21st Century Schools Programme enhancing digital literacy among students. 

In conclusion, the Practitioners´Network country visit has laid the groundwork for enhanced collaboration, driving Albania's sustainable development agenda forward. Stakeholders are committed to continuing dialogue, strengthening cooperation, and mobilizing additional resources to accelerate Albania's green transition and achieve its development goals. 

For more details on the visit and future initiatives, visit the PN website and social media platforms. 

